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European Heliophysics Community Newsletter Volume 19, Number 1

May 22, 2023

1.     PostDoc Position in Space Physics in Uppsala Related to Collisionless Shocks
2.     JOB OPENING: 3 PhD Positions on the study of the Earth Space Environment 


 1.     PostDoc Position in Space Physics in Uppsala Related to Collisionless Shocks
From: Yuri Khotyaintsev (yuri(at)irfu.se)
Here is an invitation to apply for the PostDoc position in space plasma physics at IRF in Uppsala to work on collisionless shocks using in-situ spacecraft data. The deadline for applications is May 22. For more details, please check the following website:
2.     JOB OPENING:  Postdoctoral Position in Space Physics at Shandong University
From: Timo Markus Pitkanen  (pitkanen(at)sdu.edu.cn)
The Institute of Space Sciences, Shandong University, Weihai, China, is looking for a postdoc for a two-year position. The open position is related to the research in the field of Earth’s and planetary space environmental physics. We will start going through the applications on June 12th, 2023 and will continue until the position is filled.
More information and how to apply for can be found here: 
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Editors Yuri Shprits and Dedong Wang