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European Heliophysics Community Newsletter Volume 31, Number 1

Oktober 29, 2024



1. Conference: ESWW 2024, European Space Weather Week 2024 Registration.

2. Job opening: 2 post-doc positions at ISSI (Switzerland). The deadline for applying is October 31, 2024.

3. Job opening: two (2+1 year) postdoc positions at KU Leuven. Apply for this job no later than October 31, 2024.

4. Job opening: Post-Doctoral Research Grant in Experimental Physics at the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) in Italy. Deadline: November 15th, 2024 (11:59 a.m. CET).

5. Job opening: Academy Scientist Position in Space Plasma Physics at Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences. Deadline: November 01st, 2024.

6. Job opening: Postdoctoral researcher in space plasma physics, machine learning, and computing. Deadline: October 31, 2024.

7. Job opening: PhD position open at CNRS in space plasma. Deadline: Nov 4th 2024.

8. Job opening: Post Doctoral fellow in heliophysics. Deadline: November 7, 2024.

9. Job opening: Postdoctoral Researcher(s) within the HELIOSKILL project. Deadline: October 31, 2024.

10. Job opening: PhD position open at CNRS in space plasma. Deadline for applications: Nov 4th 2024.

11. Job opening: PhD Student in Space Physics at Space Research Centre PAS, Warsaw, Poland. The application deadline is 25 November 2024.


1. Conference: ESWW 2024, European Space Weather Week 2024 Registration.

From: Piers Jiggens, ESA, <piers.jiggens at>

The European Space Weather Week (ESWW) is the main annual event in the European Space Weather and Space Climate calendar. It is an international meeting organised annually within the European Region in collaboration with prominent members of the European space weather and Space Climate community. The event will take place in Coimbra, Portugal, from 4th – 8th November 2024.

Registration for the ESWW 2024 is open with student/discounted and regular participant rates, for in person or online participants, and which are tiered by registration date:

late/onsite – after 15th October 2024 (this is also the last date for cancellations)

Registration for the mini-ISWAT satellite event (3rd November 2024) will be done through the ESWW2024 registration form with a complementary fee of 50€. Details of this event will be made available here:

A Vigil workshop is planned for the afternoon of 8th November.

The full preliminary schedule may be found here:

The Space Weather Fair, where users and service providers will interact in an informal working environment, will run the throughout the conference with a dedicated exclusive slot on Wednesday afternoon/evening. Those interested in applying for a fair booth may find cost information and the submission form here:

A full list of important dates for ESWW2024 may be found here:


2. Job opening: 2 post-doc positions at ISSI (Switzerland). The deadline for applying is October 31, 2024.

From: Dudok de Wit Thierry, ISSI and University of Orléans, <ddwit at >

The International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern, Switzerland, invites applications for two Post-Doctoral Fellowships:

- one in the space sciences, including Astrophysics & Cosmology, Heliophysics and Plasmas, and Planetary Sciences. For more details see: -plasma-and-planetary-sciences/

- one in Earth Sciences. For more details, see

Both positions are for a two-year period, ideally starting in January 2025, to be negotiated. The successful candidate should have received a Ph.D. within the last five year in the fields related to the position. The deadline for applying is October 31, 2024.

Successful candidates are expected to pursue their own independent research program and to participate in ISSI’s research activities. They are encouraged to collaborate with the scientificstaff of the Institute, and to interact with a large and diverse community of scientists from all over the world. ISSI provides the possibility to participate and/or lead an international team visiting ISSI. Additionally, cooperation with Swiss universities is strongly encouraged.


3. Job opening: two (2+1 year) postdoc positions at KU Leuven. Apply for this job no later than October 31, 2024

From: George Miloshevich, KU Leuven, < george.miloshevich at>

KU Leuven invites applications for postdoctoral researcher to work on FWO funded HELIOSKILL project under supervision of Prof. Rony Keppens. The scope of the project involves using data of solar wind missions, kinetic simulations to derive the equation of state for the expanding solar wind. The candidates with a Ph.D. in Plasma Physics, Astrophysics, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, or related fields are encouraged to apply. Ideal candidates will have experience with two of these: kinetic plasma simulations, data analysis from space missions, machine learning, and high-performance computing.

Responsibilities include:

Analyzing data from the Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe missions. Developing machine learning techniques to extract solar wind thermodynamics. Conducting kinetic simulations Collaborating with a multidisciplinary team and contributing to publications and conferences.The initial position is for 2 years, with funding available for a one-year extension. This role offers a unique opportunity to contribute to high-impact research at the Centre of mathematical Plasma Astrophysics (CmPA) at KU Leuven. To apply follow the official webpage which has more detailed description of the project:


4. Job opening: Post-Doctoral Research Grant in Experimental Physics at the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) in Italy. Deadline: November 15th, 2024 (11:59 a.m. CET).

From: Giuseppe La Vacca, University of Milano Bicocca, <giuseppe.lavacca at>

INFN is the Italian institute for research in fundamental physics, using ground and space-based laboratories. The 2025/2026 INFN Research Grant Program is offering twenty positions for research activity in Experimental Physics. The research programs of the candidates must focus on the research fields of the INFN units and laboratories selected which include both detector instrumentation and data analysis on INFN-funded projects like, among others, AMS-02, LiteBIRD, VIRGO, ET, etc. (for the full list of experiments in astroparticle physics, visit Each Research Grant is issued for two years.

Deadline: November 15th, 2024 (11:59 a.m. CET)

More details are available at

Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree (or an equivalent qualification) obtained at most eight years before the call deadline, i.e., on or after November 15th, 2016. Candidates preparing their doctoral thesis are eligible to apply (the degree must be obtained by November 1st, 2025, or before taking up their appointment with INFN). The annual gross salary is €31.308,00, (the net salary according to the regulations in force on 27-06-2023 is €27.600,00. This number might be subject to change) plus a €5.000,00 one-year benefit for moving to Italy.

Within this program, the INFN unit at the Department of Physics, University of Milan Bicocca (Milan, Italy), is seeking candidates for its research programs on heliophysics and cosmic rays. Contact persons: Giuseppe La Vacca (giuseppe.lavacca at, Stefano Della Torre (stefano.dellatorre at


5. Job opening: Academy Scientist Position in Space Plasma Physics at Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences. Deadline: November 01st, 2024.

From: Rumi Nakamura, IWF/OEAW, <rumi.nakamura at>

Subject: Academy Scientist Position in Space Plasma Physics at Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences

The institute invites applications for a six-year academy scientist position with a tenure track option to Senior Academy Scientist in the area of space plasma physics who specializes in scientific tasks related to in-situ measurements of magnetic field onboard current and future missions in the solar system.

Your tasks:

  • Scientific tasks related to current and future space missions investigating space plasma processes in the solar system.
  • Active involvement in the ESA/BepiColombo mission as the Principal Investigator of the magnetometer onboard Mio spacecraft.
  • Conduct of own research projects in the area of space plasma physics with regular publications in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at international conferences.

We offer an annual gross salary of € 66.501,40, according to the collective agreement of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Please send your application including (1) a curriculum vitae, (2) a list of publications, highlighting the three most important publications, (3) a statement of the past and current research experience as well as your future research plan (up to 6 pages), (4) up to three reference letters via email to claudia.grill at, mentioning Job ID: IWF094AS124 no later than November 01st, 2024. Documents (1)-(3) should be included in a single PDF file. The reference letters should be directly sent by the referees to claudia.grill at

Find more information at:


6. Job opening: Postdoctoral researcher in space plasma physics, machine learning, and computing. Deadline: October 31, 2024.

From: George Miloshevich, KU Leuven, <george.miloshevich at>


Centre of Mathematical Plasma physics (CmPA) of KU Leuven, invites applications for the following 2+1-year postdoc positions for studies related to solar wind thermodynamics using observational data analysis, machine learning and numerical simulations:

Details and application form are given in:


7. Job opening: PhD position open at CNRS in space plasma. Deadline: Nov 4th 2024.

From: Pierre HENRI, LPC2E - CNRS, Univ Orléans, CNES, <pierre.henri at>

A PhD position is open at CNRS in instrumental space plasma physics, under joint supervision between two laboratories: LPC2E, Orléans, France and LAPLACE, Toulouse, France, to directly contribute to various planetary exploration space missions (including BepiColombo, JUICE and M-MATISSE).

The goal of the PhD research project is two-fold:

(i) contribute to the space exploration of Mercury and Jupiter and its icy moons by preparing and/or contributing to the scientific exploitation of electric instruments that carry out plasma diagnostics (e.g. density and temperature) on board the BepiColombo and JUICE space missions;

(ii) contribute to the development of an instrument combining different in situ diagnostic methods for space plasmas density and temperature, based on the use of electrical sensors, for future space missions, such as e.g. M-MATISSE at Mars.

The PhD student will use complementary methodology based on (i) advanced numerical modeling to develop instrumental models, (ii) space data analysis from planetary exploration missions, (iii) laboratory experiments, using a plasma chamber that reproduces space plasma conditions.

Prerequisites: applicants should have an outstanding CV background in plasma physics, space physics and/or astrophysics. They are also expected to possess a good working knowledge of data analysis and/or numerical development.

Applications (including a CV, a cover letter, and the contact information of two references) should be made through the CNRS portal: Full details on the position are available at this address. Deadline for applications: Nov 4th 2024

Contact information: Pierre HENRI (pierre.henri at


8. Job opening: Post Doctoral fellow in heliophysics. Deadline: November 7, 2024.

From: Clara Froment, <clara.froment at>


We offer a one-year postdoc position at the Laboratoire de Physique et de Chimie de l'Environnement et de l'Espace (LPC2E, Univ Orleans/CNRS/CNES) in Orléans, France as part of a Franco-Indian collaborative project funded by CEFIPRA (Center for the Promotion of Advanced Research) with the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) in Pune, India.

Missions: Combined analyses of magnetic deflections called "switchbacks" in the young solar wind and their possible source structures in the solar atmosphere (in situ and remote-sensing observations: imaging, spectroscopy).


1) Analysis of in situ observations from Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter and remote-sensing observations from SDO, IRIS, Hinode, Solar Orbiter;

2) Collaboration with the Indian team in Pune, with possible on-site visits via the CEFIPRA funding;

3) Scientific communication: conference presentations and scientific papers.

Application Procedure:

The candidate must submit their application here:, by including the following documents for full consideration:

1. A CV including, list of publications and at least two references that we can contact

2. A brief report on the past and current research activity (up to 1 page) and a research project including motivation for this postdoc (up to 2 pages) – These can be combined to be submitted in the “covering letter” section on the web portal

The position will remain open until filled, with priority for applications received before November, 7 2024.

For further information regarding the position, please contact Clara Froment (clara.froment at


9.Job opening: Postdoctoral Researcher(s) within the HELIOSKILL project. Deadline: October 31, 2024.

From: George Miloshevich, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral fellow, Co-PI of FWO project HELIOSKILL,

Project manager of ASAP consortium, <george.miloshevich at>

We are looking for Postdoctoral Researcher(s) within the HELIOSKILL project, initiative aimed at solving one of the most intriguing mysteries in space physics: the heating of the solar wind. The HELIOSKILL project, supported by data from the Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe missions, seeks to derive the equation of state for the expanding solar wind using high-resolution kinetic simulations and machine learning techniques. The PI for this project is Prof. Ronny Keppens.

We are looking for candidates with a Ph.D. in Plasma Physics, Astrophysics, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, or related fields. Ideal candidates will have experience with two of these: kinetic plasma simulations, data analysis from space missions, machine learning, and high-performance computing.

Responsibilities include:• Analyzing data from the Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe missions.

  • Developing machine learning techniques to extract solar wind thermodynamics.
  • Conducting kinetic simulations.
  • Collaborating with a multidisciplinary team and contributing to publications and conferences.The initial position is for 2 years, with funding available for a one-year extension. This role offers a unique opportunity to contribute to high-impact research at the Centre of mathematical Plasma Astrophysics (CmPA) at KU Leuven. To apply follow the official webpage which has more detailed description of the project.


10. Job opening: PhD position open at CNRS in space plasma. Deadline for applications: Nov 4th 2024.

From: Pierre HENRI, LPC2E - CNRS, Univ Orléans, CNES, <pierre.henri at>.

A PhD position is open at CNRS in instrumental space plasma physics, under joint supervision between two laboratories: LPC2E, Orléans, France and LAPLACE, Toulouse, France, to directly contribute to various planetary exploration space missions (including BepiColombo, JUICE and M-MATISSE).

The goal of the PhD research project is two-fold:

(i) contribute to the space exploration of Mercury and Jupiter and its icy moons by preparing and/or contributing to the scientific exploitation of electric instruments that carry out plasma diagnostics (e.g. density and temperature) on board the BepiColombo and JUICE space missions;

(ii) contribute to the development of an instrument combining different in situ diagnostic methods for space plasmas density and temperature, based on the use of electrical sensors, for future space missions, such as e.g. M-MATISSE at Mars.

The PhD student will use complementary methodology based on (i) advanced numerical modeling to develop instrumental models, (ii) space data analysis from planetary exploration missions, (iii) laboratory experiments, using a plasma chamber that reproduces space plasma conditions.

Prerequisites: applicants should have an outstanding CV background in plasma physics, space physics and/or astrophysics. They are also expected to possess a good working knowledge of data analysis and/or numerical development.

Applications (including a CV, a cover letter, and the contact information of two references) should be made through the CNRS portal: Full details on the position are available at this address. Deadline for applications: Nov 4th 2024

Contact information: Pierre HENRI (pierre.henri at


11. Job opening: PhD Student in Space Physics at Space Research Centre PAS, Warsaw, Poland. The application deadline is 25 November 2024.

From: Pawel Swaczyna, Space Research Centre PAS, Warsaw, Poland, <pswaczyna at>.

Subject: PhD Student in Space Physics at Space Research Centre PAS, Warsaw, Poland.

Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland, is seeking candidates for a PhD student position in space physics. The successful candidate will join the Warsaw Heliospheric and Interstellar Physics group led by Dr. Paweł Swaczyna (pswaczyna at The group studies the outer heliosphere and the surrounding interstellar medium. The details on the position can be found on the EURAXESS portal: The application deadline is 25 November 2024.


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Editors Yuri Shprits, Dedong Wang, Alexander Jordan and Chunyan Zou and Jiahui Yuan