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European Heliophysics Community Newsletter Volume 30, Number 1

September 10, 2024



1. Job opening: Deadline 22 September: Research Associate in Mega-Constellation Space Physics

2. Job opening: Tenure track position (5 years) in Space Physics, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain (Due: 15 October 2024)

3. Job opening: Two Postdoc Positions in Space Plasma Physics at Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Review of application materials will start at October 1, 2024

4. Workshop: Termination Shock Virtual Workshop: Looking Forward to the New Horizons Encounter, August 19th (10 am - 1 pm) and 20th (10 am - 3 pm)


1. Job opening: Deadline 22 September: Research Associate in Mega-Constellation Space Physics

From Martin Archer <m.archer10 at>

Become a key member of the exciting UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship project “Harnessing mega-constellations to probe space weather globally” in the Department of Physics at Imperial College London (UK). The rise of satellite mega-constellations in low Earth orbit is unlocking the possibility of ubiquitous global monitoring of our planet. This Research Associate in Mega-Constellation Space Physics will explore the potential of harnessing mega-constellations for monitoring the solar wind – magnetosphere – ionosphere interaction to advance space weather science and operations.

You will undertake original research exploring how satellite mega-constellations could dramatically improve upon current capabilities. You will develop data assimilation methods for mega-constellation magnetic field observations, testing these using Imperial’s global magnetospheric simulations, and applying them to measurements taken from Eutelsat One Web’s Gen1 constellation. Through this work you will not only set new directions for space weather operations and science, but also improve our understanding of the dynamics of the solar wind – magnetosphere – ionosphere interaction in general.

We are looking for people with knowledge of the solar wind – magnetosphere - ionosphere interaction, and practical experience in a broad range of techniques including satellite observations, computer simulations, or theoretical analysis. The deadline for applications is Sunday 22 September 2024. The post is for 2 years in the first instance, with possibility of extension. Start date is expected to be in January 2025. For full details see

If you are thinking of applying, you are encouraged to contact the project PI Dr Martin Archer (m.archer10 at


2. Job opening: Tenure track position (5 years) in Space Physics, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain (Due: 15 October 2024)

From Sergio Toledo-Redondo, University of Murcia, <sergio.toledo at>

Job description:

Universidad de Murcia, sponsored by Fundación Séneca.

Universidad de Murcia is an equal opportunity employer dedicated to fostering diversity in the workplace. We particularly encourage women to apply.

Location: Murcia, Spain

Murcia is a vibrant capital city in the south-east of Spain, the seventh of the country in terms of population, just 40 km from the Mediterranean Sea. With its year-round pleasant climate, Murcia, which is excellently connected with the rest of Spain and Europe (2 international airports less than one hour from the city, high speed rail, highways, ...) offers a plethora of outdoor and cultural recreational opportunities. Universidad de Murcia stands out as a major academic institution, providing an enriching environment conducive for research.

Program: 5-year Tenure track position (full-time, on-site) for Assistant Professor under the "Región de Murcia Atracción de Talento - Saavedra Fajardo" Program (a regional initiative akin to the Ramón y Cajal Spanish national call).

Research Lines: The recently created Heliophysics research group at the University of Murcia is inviting tenure track applications. The primary research lines include solar system and astrophysical plasmas, studied by means of theoretical analysis, computer simulations and in-situ and remote observations.

The Heliopysics group is currently being formed, and includes one permanent Professor, one postdoc and two PhD students. The group members have strong international links and collaborations.

Research Budget: EUR 125,000 during the 5-year contract.


• Ph.D. earned between 2012-01-01 and 2019-12-31, related to the topics mentioned in the above research lines.

• At least two years of postdoctoral experience out of Spain, with a demonstrated history of high-impact research in the pertinent field.

• Currently residing abroad or having returned to Spain within the past year.

Gross Salary Range: EUR 35,737 during Years 1-3 and EUR 41,604 during Years 4-5.

Application Deadline: October 15th, 2024

How to Apply: Please kindly send your CV and list of publications to sergio.toledo at

Additional Information: After a preliminary selection, the shortlisted candidates will be required to formulate a research proposal and provide a comprehensive report on their research journey for the conclusive application via Universidad de Murcia by October 28, 2024.


Sergio Toledo Redondo <sergio.toledo at>

More Information:


3. Job opening: Two Postdoc Positions in Space Plasma Physics at Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences

From Rumi Nakamura <rumi.nakamura at>

The Space Research Institute (IWF) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW), invites applications for the following two-year postdoc positions for studies related to magnetospheric missions with IWF instrument contributions:

[Job ID: IWF095PD124] Studies on Solar wind- Earth and/or Mercury magnetosphere interaction based on data analysis or theory/modeling related to BepiColombo, MMS, and/or SMILE missions (Details are given in:

[Job ID: IWF096PD124] Studies of fundamental plasma processes based on data analysis or theory/modeling related to NASA MMS mission (Details are given in:

Review of application materials will start at October 1, 2024 and will continue until the position is filled.


4. Workshop: Termination Shock Virtual Workshop: Looking Forward to the New Horizons Encounter, August 19th (10 am - 1 pm) and 20th (10 am - 3 pm)

From Nick Gross, Boston University, <gross at>

New Horizons is currently 58 AU from the Sun, near the solar equatorial plane, and close to the same longitude as Voyager 2, which crossed the Termination Shock at 84 AU. Depending on the shape and solar wind pressure, New Horizons could cross the Termination Shock in 5-8 years. Energetic particles streaming in from the Termination Shock could give a few years warning of the crossing. In preparation for this crossing, this virtual workshop will discuss previous Termination Shock data and models. Discussions will also focus on New Horizons observations which will help us to understand the Termination Shock physics and the heliosheath beyond it. Scene-setting talks will be followed by open discussion. All are invited!

Registration Link:



Editors Yuri Shprits, Dedong Wang, Alexander Jordan and Chunyan Zou