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European Heliophysics Community Newsletter Volume 29, Number 1

August 5, 2024



1. Job: Two Postdoc Positions in Space Plasma Physics at Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences

2. Submit paper: Special issue on SWARM related science

3. Submit paper: Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate opens a Topical Issue on Severe Space Weather Events of May 2024 and Their Impacts: deadline 28th February 2025

4. Workshop: DynaSun Network workshop: Waves, Reconnection and Particle Acceleration in Solar Flares 2nd September - 6th September 2024 Northumbria University (Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, UK). Abstract deadline is 5th August 2024

5. Workshop: The first Plasma Observatory Community workshop will be held at the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana premises in Rome from November 12 to November 14, 2024

6. Workshop: Particle acceleration and transport: From the sun to the extragalactic sources, 3-7 February, Universita Della Calabria, Rende, Italy.

7. Meeting in-person and online: UK Space Weather and Space Environment (UKSWSE) Meeting II in Exeter, UK, 09-12 September 2024. The final registration deadline is 25 August 2024

8. On-line meeting: Second and important update announcement for ‘Heliophysics in Europe and 1st European Heliophysics Community meeting', 19-21 November 2024, NOW ONLINE ONLY

9. ESA Research Fellow pre-announcement


1. Job: Two Postdoc Positions in Space Plasma Physics at Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences

From Rumi Nakamura <rumi.nakamura at>

The Space Research Institute (IWF) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW), invites applications for the following two-year postdoc positions for studies related to magnetospheric missions with IWF instrument contributions:

[Job ID: IWF095PD124] Studies on Solar wind- Earth and/or Mercury magnetosphere interaction based on data analysis or theory/modeling related to BepiColombo, MMS, and/or SMILE missions (Details are given in:

[Job ID: IWF096PD124] Studies of fundamental plasma processes based on data analysis or theory/modeling related to NASA MMS mission (Details are given in:

Review of application materials will start at October 1, 2024 and will continue until the position is filled.


2. Submit paper: Special issue on SWARM related science

From Matthew Taylor <Matthew.Taylor at>

The first 10 years of the Swarm mission in orbit are a major milestone that we would like to further mark by creating collections of papers on Swarm related topics. For this reason, the following Special issues have been launched to cover the full range of Swarm related science, in which all those interested are kindly invited to submit contributions:

Special issue on Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. The focus of this special issue will be scientific advances in our understanding of internal field sources (including core dynamics, lithospheric magnetization, induction in the solid Earth and oceans).

All submissions are welcome beginning on 1st May 2024 up until 31st October 2024. Please submit via the PEPI website and choose article type “VSI:Terr. Magnetism & Swarm".

Topical issue (TS) on Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate covering the near-Earth space science performed with Swarm, including both external field and space weather science aspects.

Please send an email to gbalasis at until May 17th, 2024, expressing your interest by indicating a potential title of your intended submission. Submission deadline of the full articles is expected to be at the end of 2024, while the TI in JSWSC is expected to be launched end of May / beginning of June 2024.


3. Submit paper: Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate opens a Topical Issue on Severe Space Weather Events of May 2024 and Their Impacts: deadline 28th February 2025

From Mirek Hanzelka <hanzelka at>

We are pleased to announce that the Topical Issue (TI) on "Severe Space Weather Events of May 2024 and Their Impacts" is now available and open for submissions at the Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (JSWSC) site:

This topical issue welcomes submissions focusing on these events, across various domains which include, but are not limited to, observations, simulations/modeling, and impacts, that cover all aspects of these severe space weather events throughout the first half of May 2024.

Accepted papers are published upon review and acceptance, without waiting for the other papers, and are freely available to everyone via the JSWSC website.


4. Workshop: DynaSun Network workshop: Waves, Reconnection and Particle Acceleration in Solar Flares 2nd September - 6th September 2024 Northumbria University (Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, UK). Abstract deadline is 5th August 2024

From James McLaughlin <james.a.mclaughlin at>

The solar atmosphere is a dynamic system with phenomena including solar flares, coronal mass ejections, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves, plasma oscillations and time-dependent heating. In Solar Physics, we are now living in the era of data intensive observations and so, with the right techniques and understanding, we can start to address fundamental questions around the physical scenarios of energy releases and plasma heating.

The European Commission has recognized this challenge (and scientific opportunity) and so has created the DynaSun Network: “Dynamics of the solar corona in the era of data intensive observations”. This international network will discuss key challenges in solar physics, including understanding of mechanisms for plasma heating, and energetics and physical scenarios of energy releases such as flares and coronal mass ejections. The first DynaSun Network workshop will be held on 2nd-6th September 2024 at Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.

This first workshop will focus on waves, oscillations, particle acceleration and reconnection associated with solar flares, and the workshop will consist of contributed and invited talks covering these topics. The workshop will also include tutorials on advanced techniques associated with data intensive observations. The presentations and tutorials will cover the latest research in these areas, including new and exciting observations from the STIX and EUI instruments on-board Solar Orbiter. We also welcome presentations around other relevant research topics. There will be a Welcome Reception, Conference Dinner and Excursion.

Abstract submission and Registration are now open at

Deadline for abstract submission is 5th August 2024.


5. Workshop: The first Plasma Observatory Community workshop will be held at the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana premises in Rome from November 12 to November 14, 2024

FromMatthew Taylor <Matthew.Taylor at>

Plasma Observatory: Unveiling Plasma Energization and Energy Transport Through Multiscale Observations. The Community meet to foster Plasma Observatory scientific ambitions

Plasma Observatory (PO) is a mission proposal in response to the ESA M7 call tailored to study plasma energization and energy transport in the Earth's Magnetospheric System through simultaneous measurements at both fluid and ion scales. PO will allow us to resolve for the first time scale coupling in the Earth's Magnetospheric System, leading to transformative advances in the field of space plasma physics with implications on research fields that span from space weather to the understanding of the farthest astrophysical plasmas. To this goal, the PO mission includes one mothercraft and six identical smallsat daughtercraft flying in a two tetrahedra formation with a common vertex on a orbit that covers all the key regions of the Magnetospheric System including the foreshock, the bow shock, the magnetosheath, the magnetopause, the magnetotail current sheet, and the transition region. PO is one of the three ESA M7 candidates, which have been selected in November 2023 for a competitive Phase A and only one of these missions will be selected for implementation in the middle of 2026 for a launch in 2037.

The Plasma Observatory Workshop is aimed at providing an update on progress on the mission study, at sharing community efforts on Plasma Observatory science and, most importantly, at fostering interaction and participation of the larger science community with the current Plasma Observatory science and instrument teams. To do this, the first part of the workshop will be dedicated to the payload and mission profile presentations. Several sections will be dedicated to the contributions regarding the state of the art of the understanding of energization and transport processes in the PO key science regions. Finally, contributions are also encouraged on important PO mission aspects as the numerical simulation support, novel and advanced analysis methods, PO impacts on plasma astrophysics and additional science, ground-based coordination as well as public outreach.

More detailed information on the venue and organization will be distributed soon. In the meanwhile, please, save the date and come get involved in Plasma Observatory!


6. Workshop: Particle acceleration and transport: From the sun to the extragalactic sources, 3-7 February, Universita Della Calabria, Rende, Italy.

From Silvia Perri <silvia.perri at>


The University of Calabria will host the second edition of the international workshop on 'Particle acceleration and transport: from the Sun to extragalactic sources' on 2025 February 3-7.

You are cordially invited to participate.

Scientific rationale:

The workshop aims at presenting recent research on the longstanding problems of particle acceleration and transport in different astrophysical environments, such as the Sun, the heliosphere, galactic sources, and extragalactic sources. The purpose is to bring together experts in the fields of cosmic ray physics, plasma turbulence, acceleration processes, and particle transport, in order to stimulate cross-fertilization and to exchange scientific information among different areas. Indeed, the basic theoretical framework adopted to describe particle acceleration and transport is common to all those fields but the properties of the environments change noticeably. In addition, in-situ and remote observations often question the validity of the standard theories and prompt for further investigations to be interpreted. The availability of large datasets from new instrumentations and recent theoretical and numerical studies give the opportunity to advance the models and possibly to answer some of the basic unresolved issues. Exchange of ideas among the various fields would certainly speed up this process.

We strongly encourage to present to the different communities recent, pioneering observations, theories, and models that try to explain and describe processes of particle acceleration and transport. We try to bring together scientists who would like to understand what is happening beyond their field of specialty.

In order to promote an efficient exchange of ideas among different fields, each research area (solar, heliospheric, galactic, and extragalactic physics) will be introduced by a 40 minutes broad review talk. Invited talks will last 30 minutes. At the end of each day a time slot of about 45 minutes will be dedicated to open discussions on the daily sessions led by a couple of scientists.

Contributed talks and poster presentations will be scheduled.

Main Topics:

-Observations of energetic particles in the solar, heliospheric, galactic and extragalactic environments

-Properties of cosmic ray transport and acceleration from in-situ and remote observations

-Solar flares, Crab flares, flaring phenomena in astrophysics

-Shock acceleration: problems and advances

-Particle acceleration in magnetic reconnection, including the relativistic regimes

-Particle acceleration in black holes, accretion flows and relativistic jets

-Transport and acceleration in non-linear regimes

-Magnetic turbulence in astrophysical plasmas: properties from large to small scales and effects on particle transport

-Theoretical models and numerical simulations of particle transport and acceleration


Silvia Perri (Chair, Università della Calabria, Rende, Italy)

Elena Amato (co-Chair,INAF, Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Italy)

Gianfranco Brunetti (IRA-INAF, Bologna, Italy)

Andrei Bykov (Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia)

Frederic Effenberger (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany)

Miho Janvier (European Space Agency (ESA/ESTEC), The Netherlands)

Jasmina Magdalenic Zhukov (KU Leuven, Belgium)

Oreste Pezzi (ISTP-CNR, Italy)

Reinout J. van Weeren (Leiden University, The Netherlands)

Nicole Vilmer (Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon, France)

Gaetano Zimbardo (Università della Calabria, Rende, Italy)

Registration and abstract submission will be open soon.

Please check out the workshop web site at

Contact: workshopunical2025 at


7. Meeting in-person and online: UK Space Weather and Space Environment (UKSWSE) Meeting II in Exeter, UK, 09-12 September 2024 the final registration deadline is 25 August 2024

From Mario M. Bisi <Mario.Bisi at>

It is with great pleasure that we can announce the opening of registrations and the launch of the Programme for the upcoming “UK Space Weather and Space Environment (UKSWSE) Meeting II: Celebrating 10-years of 24/7 space-weather operational forecasting in the UK”, which will take place at Sandy Park in Exeter, UK, 09-12 September 2024 – please see: for full details.

There are discounted registration rates available for those that register early (by 28 July 2024), and the final registration deadline is 25 August 2024; Full, Concessionary, Virtual-only, and One-Day in-person options available – please see: for full details.

In addition, the Programme is now live and available for viewing which includes the oral and poster presentations – please see: for full details, but please note that additional minor adjustments to the schedule may be made. As a reminder, all presenters and attendees are required to register and pay ahead of the final registration deadline please.


8. On-line meeting: Second and important update announcement for ‘Heliophysics in Europe and 1st European Heliophysics Community meeting', 19-21 November 2024, NOW ONLINE ONLY

From Matthew Taylor <Matthew.taylor at>

Heliophysics is the science of understanding the Sun and its interaction with the Earth and the solar system. Here, we define Heliophysics to encompass space plasma physics throughout the solar system, from Sun to the solar wind, planets and small bodies. Heliophysics has a large and active international community, with significant expertise and heritage in the European Space Agency and Europe.

Following on from the 2023 Heliophysics in Europe meeting, and the resulting recommendations from that meeting, the ESA Heliophysics Working Group will hold another ‘Heliophysics in Europe” including the 1st European Heliophysics Community meeting. This time it is FULLY online.

The aim is to solicit titles for lightning talks (3 minutes, 1 slide) on the topics listed below. More information is available on the ESA Heliophysics web page.

Registrations and ‘topic’ submission is open and will remain so until mid October 2024.

Session 1: ESA Heliophysics Working Group– ESA activities in the area of Heliophysics

Session 2: European Heliophysics Community – working towards improved community interactions.

Session 3: Cross cutting science from a multi- disciplinary perspective

Session 4: How to join Helio forces …

a) to better couple/integrate ground and space based entities

b) to better couple/integrate simulation/modelling and measurements

c) to improve cross disciplinary data and tool usage

For more information please visit:


9. ESA Research Fellow pre-announcement

From Matthew Taylor <Matthew.Taylor at>

Please find attached an ESA research fellow pre-announcement. The formal call will go out at the end of August with a deadline to answer around mid-September.

You can find more information on how to apply at:

The applications are unfortunately expected only from ESA countries or ESA associated countries.


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Editors Yuri Shprits, Dedong Wang, Alexander Jordan and Chunyan Zou