European Heliophysics Community Newsletter Volume 26, Number 1
January 31, 2024
1. Announcement: Swarm Ionospheric Polar Electrodynamics (Swipe): a new, open-source empirical model
2. Job opening: Postdoctoral Position in the Space Physics Group at the University of Helsinki, Finland
3. Job opening: Open position at INAF/IAPS for SERENA-ELENA, Rome, Italy
- 1. ANNOUNCEMENT: Swarm Ionospheric Polar Electrodynamics (Swipe): a new, open-source empirical model
From: Spencer Mark Hatch (
Swarm Ionospheric Polar Electrodynamics (Swipe): a new, open-source empirical model
We have recently released a python frontend, pySwipe, for the Swarm Ionospheric Polar Electrodynamics (Swipe) model:
PyPI -
GitHub -
Swarm VirES -
Model description -
Swipe is a new, easy-to-use, open-source empirical model of several basic quantities related to high-latitude ionospheric electrodynamics, including
*Electromagnetic work J⋅E (not the same as Joule heating)
*Poynting flux
*Hall and Pedersen conductances
*Ionospheric potential/electric field/convection
The Swipe model
*Is based exclusively on Swarm ion drift and Swarm and CHAMP magnetometer measurements;
*Does not assume any form of symmetry between the two hemispheres;
*Takes stock of distortions of Earth's geomagnetic field via Apex coordinates.
The Swipe project is a joint effort of researchers at the University of Bergen (Norway), the University of Oulu (Finland), and the University of Calgary. It is a part of Swarm Data, Innovation, and Science Cluster (DISC) activities, and is funded by ESA contract no. 4000109587/13/I-NB as well as the Trond Mohn Foundation, Research Council of Norway Contracts 300844 and 223252/F50
- 2. JOB OPENING: Postdoctoral Position in the Space Physics Group at the University of Helsinki, Finland
From: Lucile F. Turc (
The Space Physics group at the University of Helsinki is inviting applications for a Postdoctoral Researcher position, to work in the framework of an ERC-funded project titled "WAVESTORMS - Impact of foreshock transients on near-Earth space" led by Lucile Turc. The main tasks of the successful candidate will be to analyse numerical simulations performed with the Vlasiator model as well as spacecraft measurements to understand the impact of foreshock transients on Earth's bow shock, magnetosheath and magnetopause. They will also be responsible for running new Vlasiator simulations and developing visualisation tools for their analysis.
The applicant should hold a PhD in space plasma physics or a related field by the time they join the team, and have some experience with numerical simulations and/or spacecraft data analysis. Other useful skills include knowledge of shock physics, particle acceleration, and coding in Python.
The initial appointment will be for two years, with an option for an extension up to the entire duration of the ERC project. Funding is available for travel to conferences and research visits, as well as for relocation at the start of the project.
The starting salary is about 3700€/month. The work contract at the University of Helsinki provides access to the Finnish social security, which includes benefits such as healthcare, sick leave and parental leave. The University of Helsinki also provides support for international staff arriving in Finland.
The expected starting date for the position is September 1st, 2024. Applications are open until February 15th, 2024.
Interested candidates should send their informal application (including a short statement about their past research and their research interests), a CV, a list of publications and a maximum of three names to act as references by email to the following address: lucile.turc ‘at’
For enquiries about the position, contact Lucile Turc (lucile.turc ‘at’
For more information about the Space Physics group at the University of Helsinki, please visit:
Our university campus has adopted the following Code of Conduct:
- 3. JOB OPENING: Open position at INAF/IAPS for SERENA-ELENA, Rome, Italy
From: Anna Milillo (
A new selection procedure for the assignment of one research grant of the duration of one year renewable based on projects “BepiColombo/ SERENA” entitled: “Experimental activity on space instrumentation for the study of Mercury's planetary environment: SERENA-ELENA (Emitted Low-Energy Neutral Atoms) in flight on the ESA/JAXA BepiColombo space mission” is open at INAF/IAPS
Deadline for application is 29 Feb 2024
Research will be carried at INAF-IAPS, Rome. The successful candidate will work in collaboration with staff of the projects “BepiColombo/ SERENA”.
Description of the research activity to be carried out:
• support for the experimental laboratory activity for the ELENA experiment with particle beams.
• support for the control and command activity of ELENA, both for the laboratory instrument and the one aboard the BepiColombo mission.
• support for the analysis of tests conducted on ELENA, both on the instrument in flight and in the laboratory.
Requirements: Master degree (or 2nd level Laurea degree) in Physics, or Astrophysics, or Astronomy, or Engineering, or equivalent degree issued according to the previous or actual Italian University regulations.
The annual gross salary of the grant is 26.000,00 Euros.
Reference persons: Elisabetta De Angelis ( or Roberto Sordini (
Editors Yuri Shprits, Dedong Wang and Jasmin Meiske